The Web Brings Back Student Art

... And A New Beginning

OutlawNet has moved back to Sisters, and is once again serving as a community resource. Check this site often for new ideas about public service, education, our nation, and each other.

When OutlawNet was formed, one of the many things it provided was a permanent email for all students in Sisters School District ... while they were in school, and even after they graduated. If you've let your email address fade into the past ... and want to bring back this unique handle, click here.




OutlawNet email service is free to any SHS graduate who is serving in the US Military or certain other public organizations ... and the cost for all others is very modest. Again, if you're interested, click here.

OutlawNet is not providing internet access to the community as it once did, but the email services and the features on the OutlawNet web page should prove interesting and useful to all. ALL profits from this service will support Sisters Schools.